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Jag vill veta, which means I want to know in English, is a website for you under the age of 18 and who believe or know that you have been the victim of a crime, or are worried about a friend or sibling. This website is also for those who just want to know more about acts that are criminal, where to find help and support and what happens if you report a crime or if there is a trial.

Why I want to know?

This website is called Jag vill veta, or I want to know, because many children and young people want to know:

  • what constitutes a crime
  • what to do when they have become victims
  • their rights as victims
  • where to turn for help.

On this website, you will find information on how it can feel to become a crime victim, how to report a crime, the legal process, available support and how to receive compensation.

Important to know

There is a lot of information on the website, but some things are particularly important:

  • Adults have a responsibility to help children and young people.
  • You should never have to put up with violence at home or in school or with hate and harassment on social media.
  • It is important to report a crime to the police.
  • It is important to testify if you have seen or heard a crime.
  • Crime victims have rights – the state must help you so that you can get the protection and support you need.

Some children who have been beaten, abused or threatened do not tell anyone. But if you've been through something difficult, your situation can improve if you tell someone what has happened. 

About the Swedish Crime Victim Authority

I want to know is made by the Swedish Crime Victim Authority.

Authorities are assigned by the government to ensure that society operates for everyone living in the country. The Swedish Crime Victim Authority works for children and adults subjected to a crime, to ensure they know their rights and receive support and compensation for their injuries. It produces and disseminates different forms of information to crime victims.

A part of the judicial system

The Swedish Crime Victim Authority is part of the judicial system together with several other authorities, such as the Swedish Police, the Swedish Prosecution Authority, the Swedish Courts and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.

The authorities in the judicial system work to ensure that all people in Sweden feel safe and secure. Among other things, it is about protecting people from being subjected to crime, and that all people should be able to trust the law, the authorities and the courts.

Leaflets in different languages

On this website you find leaflets for crime victims available in several languages. They can be downloaded and some of them can be ordered as printed material. It is free of charge.

Download leaflets

Do you want help?

If you have been involved in something that you believe or know to be criminal, you may need support. It is also important to tell someone. There are various support where you can get help from an adult.

Illustration av en vuxen och en tonåring som sitter i en soffa och pratar med varandra.